Placenta Encapsulation


Placenta encapsulation, also known as placentophagy or ingesting your placenta, has been a sacred practice historically in Western and Asian medicine. Here in the US, it’s become even more popular in the last decade as people are learning more about its numerous benefits*:

  • Increases energy levelsBalance hormones

  • A decrease in “baby blues” and postpartum depression levels

  • Increase in milk production

  • Restoration of iron levels in the blood

  • Reduced postpartum bleeding

  • Faster recovery time

  • Increase in CRH, a stress-reducing hormone

  • Increased release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding with the infant

The most important nutrients found in the placenta include:

  • Stem Cells and Growth FactorsIron – essential for oxygen absorption in the cells

  • Vitamins B6 – aids in the making of antibodiesVitamin E – for healing damaged skin cells

  • Oxytocin hormone – essential for facilitating birth and breastfeeding

  • Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) – responsible for reducing stress levels

  • Cytokins – Fibroblasts that trigger cell metabolism healing and replacing damaged cells and tissue

  • Oxytocin- The feel good or love hormone. Creates feelings of bonding, pain relief, happiness and elation.Cortisone- This hormone unlocks energy stored in the body and combats stress. (cortisol)

  • Interferon- This hormones stimulates the immune system to fight off infections while the mother is healing from birth.

  • Prostaglandins- Acts as an anti-inflammatory.

  • Hemoglobin- Replenishes iron, stimulates iron production in blood.

  • Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII- Lessens bleeding and promotes faster healing.

  • Prolactin- Stimulates healthy mammary function and milk production.



Placenta Services:

  • Placenta encapsulation $299 - Prepared using the Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) by steaming, dehydrating and grounding into powder before encapsulating. Each package includes the choice of vegan, berry flavored or plain capsules.

  • Raw Placenta Tincture $50- The raw placenta tincture has many of the same benefits. Additionally, it’s useful for pms symptoms, menses, regulating cycles, balancing hormones, mood swings and sleep disorders.

  • Raw Placenta Smoothie $25- Our raw smoothies are made with organic fruit and greens. They’re made on site or delivered back to you. Ingesting raw placenta allows the body to have the immediate benefits of healing, balance, reduces blood loss and stimulates milk production.

  • Each package includes an umbilical keepsake and natural placenta print

    *NCBI study cited